Today we have pushed an update that allows you to enable price variations to a file. This is great if you have multiple price points for the same file, as now you can manage it all from the one file. No need to manage the same versions and upload the same file across multiple files. All you need to do is add or edit a file and click ‘Enable Price Variations’. Then you can add a variation with a name and price.
The stats for the variations appear rolled up for the file on the Files screen but you can drill down on the variations by clicking the file names with arrows next to them.
The link to the main file’s purchase page now has options where your customers can choose the price, but the variations also have their own direct links to purchase them.
WP Updates Integration
Sellwire has a lot of customers who sell premium WordPress themes and plugins and a number of those customers also use our sister service WP Updates to provide automatic for those themes and plugins. This new integration allows you to connect the two services.
By adding your WP Updates API key to the Services tab in your Sellwire settings, you can select if a file is a theme or plugin and select the WP Updates item it corresponds to.
This means that new file versions added in Sellwire get automatically pushed to WP Updates. You will be able to add your version changes text when adding the version.